One of the biggest nuisances that a homeowner faces is that of the cockroach, and most of the time you hardly know they’re in your home. Roaches hide in your house but hardly come out during the day
Continue readingDid you know that there are over 4,500 different types of cockroaches in the world, but only 69 of those species can be found in the United States? While that number can seem too high for the comfort of
Continue readingMoths are generally of two distressful types; moths that attach fabrics such as furs, silks, synthetics, and woolens, and moths that basically infest foods. If you’re suffering from this issue in your
Continue readingIf you are a fan of National Geographic or you just appreciate the world in which we live, desk globes are an excellent way to decorate your office. They are designed with a purpose and allow people to
Continue readingPest control is not something that can be taken lightly. Whether you’re living in a rental or your own house, pests will create huge issues for you in terms of your health and your general lifestyle.
Continue readingFirst of all, what are those little red spiders and why are they in my garden? Why do they want to be in my garden?Little red spiders are tiny red mites that favor azaleas and camellias, but they aren’t
Continue readingLearning how to get rid of ticks is not as difficult as you might think. Ticks are in the family of arachnids and are insects that show no discrimination when it comes to finding a host for their voracious
Continue readingAnts are both respectable and interesting insects. They work day and night with perfect organization, they’re known to work in groups to complete complex tasks, and they are one of the strongest animals
Continue readingBed bugs are notorious bedroom insects, these little creatures are a common and a serious problem most people have either gone through or heard about it from a neighbor or the TV. There’s a reason for
Continue readingMosquito foggers can cave lives and peace of mind. Nothing ruins a good day with perfect weather like a swarm of mosquitoes and simple mosquito repellent doesn’t seem enough. These winged vampires are
Continue readingThe red fire ant is an extremely invasive species. Worse still, when something carelessly walks into one of their nests, should the ants bite en masse, their painful bites can injure or kill cattle, wildlife,
Continue readingBed bugs are small wingless nocturnal insects that, in most cases, go unnoticed by people due to their size, color, and the methods used to move from one place to another. The tone of their skin varies
Continue readingWe’ve all had trouble dealing with stray or wild animals at least once. Those uninvited raccoons or deer roaming on your lawn or those annoying cats and dogs doing their business in your garden—they
Continue readingLike many bees and hornets, these nasty flying nuisances are very well-known for attacking people without any apparent reason. After they establish their nest, they declare all the surrounding areas as
Continue readingHave you ever had a pest problem before? If the answer is yes, then you understand how challenging and annoying it can be to get rid of them. Bed bugs, flea control, and cockroach infestations are also
Continue readingplay Pavement Ants are known as Tetramorium caespitum in the scientific community. Pavement Ants tend to be more prevalent in environments closer to nature but, in the case of indoor pests, these are
Continue readingPalmetto Bugs are also widely known across the world as water bugs, wood roaches, croton bugs, and also go by the moniker of the American Cockroach. In general, the label of Palmetto Bug refers to several
Continue readingHighly ubiquitous throughout the United States, Citronella Ants (also known as Yellow Ants) can be found on both sides of the continent, from the states bordering the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Continue readingWhen it comes to pests, most people do not like them occupying the space in or around their home or business. Adult wasps and other insects are a nuisance and some can even be dangerous and/or cause
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