It’s a sad day when we feel like our home and property has become overrun by pests. They can kill our crops, they can cause the spread of disease and even destroy homes if left unchecked. It suffices
Continue readingIt can be overwhelming when you walk into a store where you’re faced with countless options for pest control sprays. There are so many different varieties, brands, and even formulas, how can someone
Continue readingWhen the weather starts to become warmer again (or if you live in an area that rarely gets cold), there could be something buzzing around your home or other wooden structures that have the potential to
Continue readingWhen it comes to keeping your home pest-free, it can be frustrating when you can’t figure out which actual pest is plaguing you. The insects that people often misidentify are flying ants and flying termites.
Continue readingLet us ask you this, how long has it been since you’ve changed your pillows? How about when was the last time you got a new mattress? If you’re anything like the majority of folk in the country, it’s
Continue readingUsing chemicals around your home is scary, especially if you have children or pets. You don’t want to use anything that could make them sick if they happen to touch or (heaven forbid) ingest it. But,
Continue readingAre you one of the people who often makes the mistake of calling a carpenter bee a bumblebee? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people aren’t able to discern between the two insects because they look very
Continue readingDid you know that the carpenter ant is among one of the largest species of ants in the US? They can be as small as 3.4 millimeters long to 13 millimeters! Granted, that isn’t huge, but it is big enough
Continue readingHave you ever noticed those large bees that look similar to a bumblebee, except they aren’t nearly as “cute” and look more like they are wearing a shiny coat of armor? These bees are called borer
Continue readingDid you know that termites are the largest threat to any wooden structure—even more of a threat than fires, flooding, or strong wind? Termites are such a huge problem, The National Pest Management Association
Continue readingThere’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to enjoy your yard once the weather gets nice enough because you’re overrun with pests like mosquitoes, fleas, spiders, and whatever else is crawling
Continue readingHaving a lovely home that you can be proud of is something that everyone has. People want to be able to come home after a long day at work, kick off their shoes, and relax. What they don’t want to do
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